Fields Description

idThe ordinal number of the client’s store in our database.
urlStore URL.
store_keyA unique key used to identify the store.
cart_idThe cart identifier.
total_callsNumber of calls made for each store. This field requires specifying request_from_date and request_to_date parameters. Otherwise, this field will return empty.
store_keyA unique key used to identify the store.
statusStatus (true/false) shows whether the store is validated.
store_keyA unique key used to identify the store.
bridgeA download link to a bridge file.
cache_clearedStatus (true/false) shows whether the cache was successfully cleared.
storeThe message confirms that the store with a given url has been deleted.
connectionStatus (closed) shows that the method is successfully performed.
methodThe list of methods that can be used on a given platform.
store_nameStore name, drawn from the client’s database.
store_urlStore URL link.
db_prefixPrefix for the database, which is used by the store. This field is used only for open-source shopping carts, so when the method is performed on a hosted platform, this field will be empty.
supported_carts_countThe number of shopping carts supported by API2Cart.
cart_idCart identifier.
cart_nameCart name.
cart_versionsVersions of shopping carts supported by API2Cart.
paramsThe list of supported parameters for the cart.create method.
nameStore name, drawn from the client’s database.
urlStore URL link.
versionThe version of the shopping cart.
db_prefixPrefix for the database, which is used by the store. This field is used only for open-source shopping carts, and when this method is performed for a hosted platform, this field will be empty.
stores_infoThe object that contains detailed info about each store:
  • store_id - store id in the client’s database
  • name - store’s name
  • language - the default language of the store (ISO 639-1)
  • currency - the list of currencies supported by a store
  • timezone - displays the time zone of the store
  • country - the country where the store is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
  • root_category_id - the identifier of the root category
  • multi_store_url - the url link to the multistore
  • active - the store status (true/false)
  • weight_unit - the default weight unit for a given store
  • dimension_unit - the default dimension unit for a given store
  • prices_include_tax - shows whether prices include taxes on a given store (true/false)
  • additional_fields - shows the array of fields that are unique for a given cart
  • carrier_info - shows the list of carriers supported by a store
  • store_owner_info - the object contains detailed info about the store owner
  • shipping_zonesThe object contains delivery zones supported by the store:
  • id - the shipping zone identifier
  • code - the code of the country available for shipping (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). If the value * is returned, it means that the given carrier delivers to all countries
  • country - the country available for shipping
  • attribute.list /
    idThe attribute ID.
    codeThe unique attribute code.
    typeThe attribute type. You can get the list of supported attributes using attribute.type.list method.
    nameThe name of the attribute.
    default_valuesThe list of typical values of the attribute.
    positionThe position of a given attribute regarding other attributes.
    visibleShows whether the attribute is active (true/false).
    requiredShows whether a given attribute is required.
    systemShows whether it is a default attribute for a shopping cart.
    valuesThe array of values of a certain attribute.
    store_idThe ID of the store the attribute is connected to.
    lang_idThe language of the attribute.
    additional_attributesContains the list of attributes which are unique for a given cart
    items_countThe number of supported attribute types.
    attribute_typeThe array of attribute types the given cart supports.
    idThe attribute group identifier.
    nameThe name of the attribute group.
    positionThe position of the given attribute group regarding other attribute groups.
    attribute_set_idIdentifies which of attribute sets the attribute belongs to.
    assigned_attribute_idsThe list of attributes which a given attributes group contains. / customer.list
    idThe user identifier.
    emailThe email address of the user.
    first_nameCustomer first name.
    idCustomer ID.
    emailCustomer email address.
    first_nameCustomer first name.
    last_nameCustomer last name.
    order.list / / order.find
    idSystem order ID.
    order_idOrder ID in the admin panel.
    customerThe object which contains the customer data (id, email, first_name, last_name
    create_atThe time when the order was created.
    currencyThe object that contains the info about the currency with which the order was paid.
    billing_addressThe object that contains billing info.
    shipping_addressThe object that contains shipping info.
    payment_methodPayment method info.
    shipping_methodShipping method info.
    statusThe object that contains order status info
  • id - status ID
  • name - status name
  • history - the object contains info about order status history
  • refund_info - in case there is a status “refund” in status history, this object will contain info on what products were refunded and refund amounts.
  • totalsThe object contains info about prices in the order:
  • total - the final price with all discounts, taxes, etc.
  • subtotal - the original price for the products
  • shipping - shipping price
  • tax - tax price
  • discount - discount price
  • shipping_tax_value - shipping tax price.
  • order_productsThe object contains the list of products bought in the order.
    modified_atTime when any changes to the order were made.
    finished_timeThe time when the order was fulfilled (delivered).
    commentComments to the order.
    store_idThe ID of the store from which the order was made.
    countThe number of order statuses on the store.
    cart_order_statusesThe object contains the list of order statuses on the shopping cart:
  • id - status identifier
  • name - status name.
  • order.financial_status.list
    countThe number of financial statuses on the store.
    order_financial_statusesThe object contains the list of financial statuses on the shopping cart:
  • id - status identifier
  • name - status name.
  • order.abandoned.list
    customerThe object contains user info (id, email, first_name, last_name).
    created_atThe path to the newly created image.The time when products were added to the cart.
    modified_atTime when any changes in the given cart was made.
    currencyThe object contains info about in what currency products were added to the cart.
    totalsThe object contains info about prices of products in the cart.
    order_productsThe object contains the list of products that were added to the cart.
    shipment_countA number of shipments for the given order.
    idShipment identifier.
    order_idIdentifier of the order, for which the shipment was made.
    tracking_numbersThe array of objects contains delivery data, such as:
  • tracking_number
  • carrier_id - carrier identificator.
  • created_atThe time when the shipment was created.
    itemsThe object contains the list of products that were shipped.
    image_pathThe path to the newly created image.
    category.list /
    idCategory ID.
    parent_idParent category ID.
    created_atThe time when the category was created.
    modified_atThe last time when the category was modified.
    nameThe category name.
    short_descriptionShort category description
    descriptionThe full category description.
    stores_idsStores IDs which have the given category.
    stores_idsStores IDs which have the given category.
    stores_infoThe object contains the list of stores, which have the given category, and additional info (store_id, name, avail).
    keywordsThe keywords for search engines.
    meta_descriptionMeta description of the page, which may be used by search engines.
    meta_titleMeta title of the page.
    availCategory status.
    pathURL link to the category.
    seo_urlSEO URL link to the category.
    sort_orderThe serial number of the category in the category list of the store.
    imagesThe object contains the array of images for a certain category.
    idCategory ID.
    nameCategory name.
    descriptionThe full category description.
    idThe option ID.
    typeThe type of the option.
    nameThe name of the option.
    descriptionOption description.
    requiredShows whether this option is required.
    availShows whether this option is available.
    sort_orderThe position of the option regarding other options.
    option_valueThe object contains the list of product option values
  • id - option value ID
  • product_option_value_id - option value ID for the given product
  • name - option value name
  • price - option value price
  • type_price - price type (value, percent)
  • quantity - values quantity.
  • product_option_idProduct option ID.
    attribute_idAttribute ID.
    codeAttribute code.
    nameAttribute name.
    lang_idLanguage in which the attribute is returned.
    store_idStore ID that the attribute belongs to.
    valueAttribute value.
    requiredShows whether the attribute is required for the product
    typeAttribute type.
    positionThe position of the attribute regarding other attributes.
    attribute_group_idID of the attribute group that the given attribute belongs to.
    product_idProduct ID that the attribute belongs to. / product.list / / variant.list
    idProduct ID.
    typeProduct type.
    u_modelProduct model number.
    u_skuStock-keeping unit.
    nameProduct name.
    descriptionFull product description.
    short_descriptionShort product description.
    priceProduct price.
    quantityAvailable product quantity.
    u_brandProduct brand.
    categories_idsCategories ID that the product belongs to.
    stores_idsStores ID that offer a given product.
    urlURL path to the product.
    seo_urlSEO URL path to the product.
    meta_titleMeta title of the page.
    meta_keywordsThe keywords for search engines.
    meta_descriptionMeta description of the page, which may be used by search engines.
    avail_saleShows whether the product is available for sale.
    avail_viewShows whether the product is available for view.
    weightProduct weight.
    sort_orderThe position of the product regarding other products.
    backordersIf the product is not available now, it can be ordered later.
    manage_stockIf the value is false, it means it is not possible to manage product quantity, so one can order unlimited number of product, and vice versa.
    create_atThe time when the product was created.
    modified_atThe last time when the product was modified.
    tax_class_idTax class ID.
    special_priceThe object contains special price info, including the following:
  • value
  • avail - shows whether the special price is active
  • created_at - time when the special price was created
  • modified_at - time when the special price was modified
  • expired_at - time when the special price expires
  • tier_priceThe object contains the rules for tier_price
  • tier_price_countX - the number of products
  • tier_price_valueX - the value that will be set
  • tier_prices_count - the number of rules for tier_price
  • group_priceThe object contains the list of rules for group_price
  • id - group price ID
  • group_id - customer group ID
  • price - the price for the given customer group
  • store_id - Store ID that the group price belongs to
  • quantity - the number of available products for this group
  • start_time - time from which group price will be available
  • expire_time - time when group price expires
  • imagesThe object contains info about product images
  • http_path - url path to the image
  • mime-type - file format
  • alt - alternative text for the image
  • avail - shows whether the image is available for view
  • file_name - image name
  • create_at - time when the image was created
  • modified_at - last time when the image was modified
  • size - image size
  • sort_order - the position of the image regarding other images
  • product_optionsThe object contains the list of the product options. More details are in product.option.list method.
    product_variantsThe object contains the list of product variants. The fields are the same as for and product.list methods.
    u_upcUniversal Product Code is the standard for general products and is used by almost all barcode systems.
    u_mpnManufacturer Part Number.
    related_products_idsProduct IDs attached to the given product.
    currencies_countThe number of currencies in a given store.
    currencyThe object contains info about available currencies:
  • name - currency name
  • iso3 - currency code in ISO format
  • symbol_left - currency symbol located on the left
  • symbol_right - currency symbol located on the right
  • avail - shows whether the given currency is available
  • default - shows whether it is a default value on the stor
  • product.attribute.value.set
    product_idThe product ID that the attribute value was assigned to.
    attribute_idThe attribute ID that is assigned to the product.
    value_idValue ID that was assigned to the product.
    idProduct ID.
    nameProduct name.
    descriptionProduct description.
    priceProduct price.
    product_fieldsThe list of fields that will be in the product response.
    idTax class ID.
    nameTax class name.
    availStatus of the tax class which shows whether the tax class is active.
    taxTax value.
    tax_typeTax type: 1 - percentage value, 0 - numeric value.
    tax_ratesThe object contains additional tax rules
  • id - tax rate id
  • name - tax rate name
  • tax - tax value
  • tax_type - tax type
  • tax_based_on - Shows what to base the tax on (shipping/billing)
  • countries - the object contains the list of countries and states that the tax rate will be assigned for
  • cities - the list of cities the tax rate will be set for
  • address - the list of addresses the tax rate will be set for
  • zip_codes - the object contains values that the tax rate will be set for
  • For all COUNT methods
    {entity}_countThe field returns the number of entities for the given method.
    For all ADD methods
    {entity}_idThe field returns the ID of the newly created entity.
    For all UPDATE methods
    updated_itemsShows whether items were updated and how many of them were updated
    For all DELETE methods
    deletedStatus (true/false) shows whether deletion was successfully made.
    For all ASSIGN methods
    assignedStatus (true/false) shows whether the assignment was successfully performed.
    idThe webhook id.
    labelThe webhook name.
    store_idThe store id the webhook is created on. For non-multistore instances, the returned value will always be “1”.
    activeWebhook status.
    callbackCallback URL that the webhook will send the POST request to when the event occurs.
    fieldsFields that the webhook will send.
    created_atWebhook creation date.
    updated_atLast webhook update date.
    entityThe entity that the webhook is created for.
    actionThe action that triggers the webhook.